YCF Scholarship

Before 25 October 2024

Scholarship Benefits

Our scholarship program is aimed at ambitious students in need of financial aid

Financial Support

Financial aid in the form of monthly stipend all the way until graduation to complement your existing KIP scholarship, equivalent to IDR 1,000,000 per month until your 8th semester

1-on-1 Mentorship

You will be assigned a dedicated mentor among our network of top professionals to help guide you through your personal and professional development throughout the program.

Self-Development Resources

You will be granted a guaranteed seat at our flagship incubation program, StudentsCatalyst, where you will gain access to knowledge-packed forums, resources, and a vast network of highly motivated students.

Eligibility Criteria

1. Students in need of financial aid – Recipients of Kartu Indonesia Pintar or other Pemda scholarships (such as KJMU), or financially constrained students without KIP
2. A beneficiary of no other scholarship apart from KIP and other Pemda scholarships
3. Currently in the 3rd OR 5th semester of local undergraduate studies, enrolled in any major
4. Track record of excellence through organization participation, competitions, and other achievements
5. Committed to maintaining a minimum GPA of 3.3/4.0 throughout the program

Administration Requirements

1. Scan of a 4 x 6 cm formal photo
2. Scan of the Student ID Card
3. Scan of the National ID Card
4. Scan of the transcript up to 2nd or 4th semester with a GPA legalized by the campus authorities
5. Scan of a letter/certificate of active participation in organizations and/or certificates of achievements
6. Scan of the KIP recipient certificate
7. Surat Pernyataan Tidak Menerima Beasiswa Lain

Additional documents for students who are non-KIP beneficiaries
1. Surat Keterangan Penghasilan Orang Tua
– Surat Keterangan Slip Gaji dari Pimpinan/Bendahara Gaji
– ATAU Surat Keterangan Penghasilan yang Disahkan oleh Kepala Desa Setempat

2. Bukti Keterbatasan Ekonomi Orang Tua
– Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dari Kelurahan yang Disahkan
– Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera


Online Registration (11 – 25 Oct 2024)
Phase 1 Announcement (10 Nov 2024)
Online Interview (11 – 25 Nov 2024)
Final Announcement (1 Dec 2024)

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Are there any specific requirements to work with YCF after receiving the scholarship?
    Apakah ada syarat pengabdian tertentu ke YCF setelah menerima beasiswa?

    • No. The Youth Catalyst Foundation does not require scholarship recipients to serve at YCF or at any other specific workplace after becoming a scholarship recipient.

      Tidak. Youth Catalyst Foundation tidak mewajibkan penerima beasiswa untuk melayani di YCF, ataupun tempat kerja tertentu lainnya setelah menjadi penerima beasiswa

  2. I am currently in my first semester. Can I apply for the YCF scholarship?
    Saat ini saya masih kuliah semester 1. Apakah bisa ikut program beasiswa YCF?

    • The YCF scholarship is only open to students in their 3rd and 5th semesters (2nd and 3rd year of university).

      Beasiswa YCF hanya dikhususkan untuk mahasiswa/i semester 3 dan 5 (tahun ke-2 dan ke-3 kuliah)

  3. Can I apply for the YCF scholarship if I already have another scholarship outside KIP or other Pemda scholarships?
    Apakah saya bisa mendaftar beasiswa YCF jika saya sudah memiliki beasiswa lain di luar KIP atau beasiswa Pemda lainnya?

    • For now, only students with no existing scholarship OR students with KIP or other Pemda scholarship (such as KJMU) are eligible to apply.

      Untuk saat ini, kami hanya melayani mahasiswa dengan beasiswa KIP/Pemda lainnya (seperti KJMU) DAN mahasiswa tanpa KIP/beasiswa Pemda yang tergolong kurang mampu.

  4. What kind of financial assistance does YCF provide while I am officially a scholarship recipient?
    “Financial assistance” seperti apa yang YCF sediakan selama resmi menjadi penerima beasiswa?

    • YCF will facilitate a monthly allowance of Rp1,000,000.00, which is expected to support students’ needs while pursuing education at university.

      YCF akan memfasilitasi uang saku setiap bulannya sebesar Rp1.000.000,00 yang diharapkan bisa mendukung mahasiswa/i dalam kebutuhan selama menempuh pendidikan di universitas

  5. Can I participate in other scholarship programs after receiving the scholarship from YCF? (For example, IISMA next year, etc.)
    Apakah saya bisa ikut program beasiswa lain nantinya setelah menerima beasiswa dari YCF? (Contoh IISMA di tahun depan, dll)

    • The application requirements for the YCF scholarship are applicable as of today at the time of acceptance. This means that if after receiving the YCF scholarship, you have the opportunity to receive another scholarship and it is allowed according to the rules of that scholarship, there is no problem.

      Syarat pendaftaran beasiswa YCF berlaku per hari ini saat penerimaan. Artinya, bila setelah menerima beasiswa YCF, mendapat kesempatan untuk menerima beasiswa lain dan diperbolehkan menurut aturan beasiswa tersebut, tidak masalah.

  6. Besides the allowance, what other benefits can I get as a YCF scholarship recipient?
    Di samping uang saku, keuntungan apa yang saya bisa dapat sebagai penerima beasiswa YCF?

    • We at YCF want to support and help young Indonesians who have difficulty accessing information related to training, internships, jobs, and other personal development. Therefore, we provide one-on-one mentorship facilities to assist scholarship recipients in choosing career paths, internship companies, and more. Additionally, there are networking opportunities, training classes, and much more.

      Kami di organisasi YCF ingin mendukung dan membantu anak muda Indonesia yang kesulitan mendapat akses kepada pelatihan, magang, pekerjaan, dan program pengembangan diri lainnya. Karena itu, kami memberikan fasilitas mentorship 1o1 sebagai pendampingan yang nantinya membantu penerima beasiswa dalam memilih jalur karir, perusahaan magang, dan lainnya. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga diberi kesempatan networking, kelas pelatihan, dan masih banyak lagi.

  7. Are there specific majors or universities prioritized by YCF for scholarship recipients?
    Apakah ada jurusan tertentu atau universitas tertentu yang diprioritaskan YCF sebagai penerima beasiswa?

    • No. The YCF scholarship is inclusive, open to KIP scholarship recipients from any university and major. Our priority is the spirit, character, background, and aspirations of each individual scholarship candidate.

      Tidak. Beasiswa YCF bersifat inklusif, terbuka untuk penerima beasiswa KIP dari universitas dan jurusan manapun. Prioritas kami adalah semangat, karakter, latar belakang, serta aspirasi setiap individu calon penerima beasiswa

  8. Can non-KIP recipients apply for YCF Scholarship?
    Apakah mahasiswa/i non-KIP bisa mendaftar beasiswa YCF?

    The YCF scholarship began with a mission to assist students facing financial challenges in pursuing higher education. We are prioritizing KIP & Pemda scholarship recipients as the main beneficiaries, as they provide clear indicators of financial need. However, we are also opening up the opportunity to students who have clear economical barriers (based on a Letter of Indigency and other supporting documents) as part of the program. Keep in mind that our scholarship program is in its pilot phase and will only be able to service a limited group of students, hence our priority is to cater to groups that are vulnerable. We do not rule out the possibility that in the future, we may be able to reach a broader group of students.

    Beasiswa YCF dimulai dengan misi untuk membantu mahasiswa yang menghadapi tantangan finansial dalam mengejar pendidikan tinggi. Kami memprioritaskan penerima KIP dan beasiswa Pemda sebagai penerima utama, karena dapat menjadi indikator kebutuhan finansial yang jelas. Namun, kami juga membuka kesempatan bagi mahasiswa yang menghadapi kendala ekonomi (berdasarkan Surat Keterangan Tidak Mampu dan dokumen pendukung lainnya) sebagai bagian dari program ini. Harap diingat bahwa program beasiswa kami masih dalam tahap awal dan hanya dapat melayani sekelompok mahasiswa terbatas, oleh karena itu prioritas kami adalah melayani kelompok-kelompok yang rentan. Kami tidak menutup kemungkinan bahwa kedepannya, kami dapat menjangkau mahasiswa secara yang lebih luas.

  9. In what language will the selection process be conducted?
    Dalam bahasa apa proses seleksi akan dilakukan?

    The selection process will be conducted in Bahasa Indonesia.

    Proses seleksi akan dilakukan dalam Bahasa Indonesia.